Impact Of Cultural Values And Buying Behavior On Loyalty Among Selected Restaurant Customers In Panabo City
The study aimed to determine the impact of cultural values and buying behavior on loyalty among selected restaurant customers in Panabo City. The independent variable of the study is the impact of cultural values and buying behavior. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the loyalty. The researchers used the descriptive-correlation method and random sampling in determining the number of respondents and the statistical tools used were Mean and Pearson-r. The result of the computation using r-value between impact of cultural values and loyalty is 0.619, andbetween buying behavior and loyalty is 0.626, both are associated with the significant value of 0.000 of P-value, which is less than the alpha of 0.05. Moreover, there is significant correlation of the impact of cultural values and buying behavior on loyalty among selected restaurant customers in Panabo City.
Keywords: Cultural Value, Buying Behavior, Loyalty